The Anatomy of Building
The Anatomy of Building by Josh Rosenthal
020. Cash Conversion Cycle - Introduction

020. Cash Conversion Cycle - Introduction

The Cash Conversion Cycle speaks to the give and take of cash in your business. I think of it like the tide moving back and forth on a beach. It's different in different seasons. If you can understand your business' CCC, you can then start to pull the levers on it and shorten it if need be. This means you can move cash out of your business and back into it faster. —————————— Sealevel Insights Josh Rosenthal, founder DSB Podcast - DSB Videos - Burn rate

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The Anatomy of Building
The Anatomy of Building by Josh Rosenthal
The Anatomy of Building brings a better way to think about starting businesses. It's easier than you think. And harder. I demystify how to start.